Playas del Coco, Costa Rica, Informations
SINCE 2009

InfoELCOCO is sending a commercial message by email to his DB contacts, reaching Playas del Coco, Playa Hermosa, Playa Ocotal, Playa Panama and Liberia areas in Guanacaste, Costa Rica.
Info El Coco allows you to reach your potential clients in the easiest, fastest and most profitable way. Our data base is constantly updated and enhanced on a weekly basis with local, foreign, visiting and residents subscribers since 2009.
Originally conceived as an information center for the community, Info El Coco has become the most used way to stay informed about everything happening in Playas del Coco and surrounding areas such us : Events, Promotions, Sales, Rentals, Items/Cars for Sale and much more…
We are part of this community and interact with them making connections through advertising.
You can reach your goal or just subscribe for free and stay informed
E-mail marketing differs from other «traditional» marketing tools because:
It allows to make a personalized and exclusive offer to each person through an immediate means, the e-mail.
The cost of the medium employed, in this case the electronic mail, to get the offer is very small. This means that companies will no longer be as constrained to budgets by worrying more about what they want to say to their customers or future customers and when.
The results can be measured almost immediately, at most two days.